Relationship Rx

prescriptions for the soul

Mar 9, 2006


What's Your Star Sign Baby?

Hey George: Lemme know what u think of this... it's about pick up lines... and something women ALL over the world deal with! I used to like to believe that men were very dumb. Statistics at the end of every school examination always proved so. A little later I started believing that men were a different species altogether ā€“ feminist teachers and too much literature tend to do that to you. As of today, Iā€™m convinced that men are dumb, men are different, and men will NEVER change. NEVER. They will always be stupid, they will always be different, and they will always use the dumbest pick-up lines to do what they love doing ā€“ chasing girls.
-- Trauma Queen
Dear Trauma Queen: Yes these lines are painfully unoriginal and downright dumb, especially the ones you've so nicely catalogued on your blog. The truth is... corny lines do work on women and that's why us guys still use them. Parents and dog trainers have known this for years. If you want a behavior to continue you reward it. The sad truth is many women (not just in New Jersey) are rewarding this cheeseball behavior by chatting these guys up and probably more. Much more. To stop these James Bond wannabe wankers, try the behavior modification techniques parents use with attention-seeking children. Ignore them. Eventually the negative actions will stop altogether. If that's what you really want? So Trauma Queen... Did it hurt? When you fell out of heaven?
I'm all for second opinions! Let Trauma Queen know your own thoughts and suggestions.

awwwwww thanks george!
loved the link u provided to cheesy pick-up lines :)
"James Bond wannabe wankers" hahhaahaaa.....

maybe you should strike back with some really cheesy lines yourself..
well, seems like the Women's Day hangover still persists with the women...can't blame them...when they have one designated day in the year to advertise their attempts at kicking male ass...

The sad thing is just because their are some jerks around, women, as can be expected, extend the label - all male are dumb...blah blah..yawn...go to mamma and have a good bawl, all you that call men dumb...

I am male, and I certainly am not dumb...

right Trauma?


This should stir things up a bit...
oye dumb man from hell...
all men are dumb, you know it just as well as I do

of course, YOU are always an exception

and in this case, george as well ;)

stir things up?
not shaken but stirred

ok, you are not a james bond wannabe wanker in that case :) honored, TQ... i can see the beginnings of an ocean :-))

stirred... well well well..mebbe there's hope for you all yet...
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