Dear Readers:
A female friend shared this advice with me.

She said that I shouldn't cuddle with a woman the "next day" if I didn't intend a commitment.Why you ask? She said that women are quite capable of doing the emotional gymnastics required in uncommitted sex. If, however, the guy is sweet and cuddly the next day, the woman is thrown for a loop and becomes attached in a way that perhaps was not intended. For her cuddling, without commitment, is unfair treatment.
I know from my own experience, cuddling the "next day" in no way indicates anything other than I'm...
a) cold
b) bored
c) interested in more sex
d) all of the above
Now, once in a committed caring relationship, cuddling for me takes on a higher level of meaning. There is a difference.
Saying that, do you agree with my friend's no cuddle rule for no-commitment sex.