I've learned from female friends that many women are sent into a obsessive spiral of self-doubt and male loathing based on a confusing email, text message or voicemail left from the man in their lives.

To alleviate this unnecessary pain, I've decided to offer my translation and interpretation services, helping women better understand the male mind and the true meaning of the messages left in their in-box.
Cut and paste the email messages that baffle you and post them here. Or post the transcripts of the voicemail messages that drive you nuts. I'll try my best to translate the language of "guy-speak" into a language you can understand.
Dear George:
Dump or Trump? Here is the email I received from a guy I had seen a couple times. What do you think? Should I contact him again?
-- Sarah, Chicago
Sorry for not responding, things have been really REALLY hectic. I'll try and call you when I get a chance. As we speak, I'm in the midst of a all East Coast Law Department conference call among twelve other things. Sorry, hopefully we get to do it in the next few weeks. Maybe we should just put it off for a while.
Dear Sarah:
A quick read shows how truly wonderful this guy is -- in is own mind. His narcissistic proclivities are apparent in his desire to tell you he's on the All East Coast Law Department team, whatever that means. Does anyone really care about this? Oh wait, he and his mother do.
Yes, we get it. He's a lawyer and so busy! Hectic, really, which is much more busy than just busy. Hectic, implies rushed and rushed is good if you're on the All EAST COAST LAW DEPARTMENT TEAM.
The sad part is the mean spirit of the end of this email. Maybe we should put it off for a while? What he really meant was maybe we should put "you" off for a while. What a jerk!

People often treat others they way they were treated as a child. Projective Identification is the term. I suspect that maybe this guy was "put off" by his mother and neglected as a child. He's now transferring these painful subconscious feelings onto you. Some theorists believe that neglect, or abuse, as a child can lead one to develop a narcissistic personality disorder later in adulthood.
This man is not going to be able to provide the support you need and deserve in a relationship. Therefore, I say delete the message and move on.